
Monthly Archives: February 2016

Art Music

Chill Music For a Sunday Morning

Via: Metafilter, Via: Other People

Via: Grandbrothers, a piano duet from Dusseldorf. Found along the way.

Art Science

Solar System Mandala

solar system mandala

8 Earth years are roughly equal to 13 Venus years, meaning the two planets approximately trace out this pattern with 5-fold symmetry as they orbit the Sun.

Via: iBleeedorange @ Reddit


Carry-on 2.0 Bag

PRE-SALE In September 2013, we launched the original Carry-on. It raised over $340,000 in 30 days (more than 11x our original goal). It was a Kickstarter Staff Pick. And at the time, it was the most-funded bag in Kickstarter history. Better than that? It was shipped on-time. We had an incredible group of backers doing incredible things, and as they travelled the world doing those things, they sent us feedback. We’re building a company that makes gear for real life. Naturally, the development process for the Carry-on 2.0 looked something like this: 10,000+ emails  2+ years of testing  Uncountable late-night Skype calls with dodgy connections 3,278,453,278 team ‘debates’  1 black eye (don’t ask) In summary: we listened, we questioned, we politely disagreed with each other, we thanked our users profusely. And then, we made the Carry-on 2.0. The Carry-on 2.0 is the

Source: Carry-on 2.0 Bag
