
Yearly Archives: 2016


How to Find Tardigrades in Your Own Backyard


Tardigrades, also known as Water Bears or Space Bears, are incredible members of the microcosmos that can be found just about anywhere in the world. These eight-legged invertebrates are only 0.1-1m…

Source: How to Find Tardigrades (Water Bears) in Your Own Backyard


The Beauty of Terraced Fields

For thousands of years, when farmers in mountainous regions have expanded their farms to grow crops on the steep slopes, they have carved massive steps into the terrain.

Source: The Beauty of Terraced Fields – The Atlantic

History Politics

Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks

“Iran’s sympathetic response to the American tragedy has been exceptional for a country under US economic siege for two decades. Only hours after the Sept. 11 attack, President Muhammad…

Source: Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence 


On Generative Algorithms: Introduction · inconvergent

A biased illustrated essay on generative algorithms written by Anders Hoff.

Source: On Generative Algorithms: Introduction · inconvergent


netdata: Real-time performance monitoring, done right!

netdata – Real-time performance monitoring, done right!

Source: firehol/netdata: Real-time performance monitoring, done right!

Looks awesome!

Art Music

Chill Music For a Sunday Morning

Via: Metafilter, Via: Other People

Via: Grandbrothers, a piano duet from Dusseldorf. Found along the way.

Art Science

Solar System Mandala

solar system mandala

8 Earth years are roughly equal to 13 Venus years, meaning the two planets approximately trace out this pattern with 5-fold symmetry as they orbit the Sun.

Via: iBleeedorange @ Reddit


Carry-on 2.0 Bag

PRE-SALE In September 2013, we launched the original Carry-on. It raised over $340,000 in 30 days (more than 11x our original goal). It was a Kickstarter Staff Pick. And at the time, it was the most-funded bag in Kickstarter history. Better than that? It was shipped on-time. We had an incredible group of backers doing incredible things, and as they travelled the world doing those things, they sent us feedback. We’re building a company that makes gear for real life. Naturally, the development process for the Carry-on 2.0 looked something like this: 10,000+ emails  2+ years of testing  Uncountable late-night Skype calls with dodgy connections 3,278,453,278 team ‘debates’  1 black eye (don’t ask) In summary: we listened, we questioned, we politely disagreed with each other, we thanked our users profusely. And then, we made the Carry-on 2.0. The Carry-on 2.0 is the

Source: Carry-on 2.0 Bag


QWERKYWRITER | Typewriter-Inspired Mechanical Keyboard

Typewriter-Inspired Mechanical Keyboard Kickstarter Success

Source: QWERKYWRITER | Typewriter-Inspired Mechanical Keyboard
