
Monthly Archives: February 2015

Art Science Stuff Technology

Beer Stein Of Science





So you like cold drinks, especially in the heat of the summer. You also like large drinks, however, they come at a cost: unless you can drink a superhuman quantity of liquid in a relatively short period of time, your beverage is gonna get warm. This is unacceptable. Enter the “Stein Of Science“. A full metal jacket around a cryostatic dewar with a hefty steel handle.

You know you want one.

Awesome Science Stuff Technology

The Black Blood of the Earth

When Subject 1’s cup of unadulterated was half empty, he grabbed his water bottle and poured the remainder into his clear glass coffee cup. He looks at it and then puts his hand up because He Needs An Adult. He said with concern, “I added water but it didn’t change color.” We all wandered over to peek into the dark heart of his mug. Even diluted to 50% of the original strength, it is still as black, oily, and potentially lethal as a tar pit.

While accurate, this can’t merely be called Scientific Coffee or even Weapons Grade Coffee. My brain went searching for terms that accurately described this creation. While the tar entity that killed Tasha Yar in ST:TNG came to mind, John Carpenter’s “Big Trouble In Little China” is what stuck. This coffee is the Black Blood Of The Earth (or BBotE for the sake of brevity).

With 145 cups of coffee’s worth of caffeine in 5.7 cups of volume, this is emphatically a beverage not to be trifled with. more importantly, though, it is fantastically delicious. Any comparison to regular coffee is, at best, fraught with peril. This is like comparing apples and bazookas.

Go get some.

Art Stuff Technology

Hütte Hut

Hütte Hut
Hütte Hut
Hütte Hut

Simple, small, wooden, exposed frame, what’s not to love?
Hütte Hut.
