Hovding is an inflatable bike helmet that operates on the same principle as an airbag, hidden in a collar that goes around your neck. Currently only available in Europe, it will set you back a cool $500.
Monthly Archives: April 2012
Awesome Technology Awesome TechnologyCarabiner Key
April 30, 2012 – 2:44 pm
One of those things that I wish I had thought of: A key that is itself a mini carabiner.
The best keychain in the world
April 27, 2012 – 11:16 am
This is the best keychain in the world, bar none. It’s small, easy to add and remove keys, sturdy but flexible, and most importantly never comes undone unexpectedly.
Forest Service May Blow Up Frozen Cows
April 19, 2012 – 3:06 pm
Headline of the day. Hands down.
It may take explosives to dislodge a group of cows that wandered into an old ranger cabin high in the Rocky Mountains, then died and froze solid when they couldn’t get out.
What was that about truth and fiction?
UPDATE: Obliterating Animal Carcasses With Explosives from the Dept. of Agriculture.
Haunting underwater portraits by Jacob Sutton
April 17, 2012 – 2:49 pm
Three hauntingly beautiful portraits shot by Jacob Sutton. (via designspiration & thisiscolossal.com)
Electric Sheep Fractal Flame Android Wallpaper
April 13, 2012 – 2:08 pm
My favorite distributed genetic fractal visualization, ElectricSheep is now available as an android live wallpaper.
First created in 1999 by Scott Draves, the Electric Sheep is a form of artificial life, which is to say it is software that recreates the biological phenomena of evolution and reproduction though mathematics. The system is made up of man and machine, a cyborg mind with 450,000 participant computers and people all over the Internet.
via: Scottdraves.org
Chocolate 3d Printer on sale
April 12, 2012 – 3:31 pm
The world’s first chocolate 3D printer is now available for purchase.
3D chocolate printers can directly produce 3D chocolate objects without using expensive molding tools. It can also deposit complex and artistic 2D patterns onto other foods or substrates similar to a chocolate chef pipes chocolate onto cakes, dishes, deserts, etc. The 3D chocolate printer can be broadly used to make creative, artistic, personalized and decorative chocolate products and gifts.
Watch as bluetooth accessory, Pebble
April 11, 2012 – 10:26 pm
Kickstarted funded and then some. Here’s hoping this comes to fruition. It’s got an API to make apps, I’d love to make a sleep monitor with this
BlueLounge Bonobos Messanger Bad
April 11, 2012 – 10:53 am
Clean, simple design, virtually logo-less. I’ll have to get my hands on one to see if it’s rugged enough to replace my old standby, the Timbuk2 Classic Messenger.
Animate Everything!
April 9, 2012 – 4:08 pm
Opensource eclectic animation by Bleeple.
Download the Cinema 4d Files here: http://beeple-crap.com/resources.php
War Paint Berlin
April 4, 2012 – 12:07 pm
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTn-JxYzB7g&w=y00]
Reminds me of Holi, the Indian festival of colors.